
We are Hiring
At the district and school site levels, the Etiwanda School District provides a range of job opportunities. Please visit our employment page at Edjoin.org to view all current job openings and to apply online. For more information, please fill out our Employment Interest form here.
Interested in working with the Etiwanda School District?
To learn more about our district, students, and community, please download our district's informative brochure or click here to view it.
Roadmap to Teaching
Visit the CTC website for more information on becoming an educator in California.
Etiwanda's Induction Program
The Etiwanda School District Induction Program is a California Department of Education (CDE) and Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) approved induction program accredited to clear preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist teaching credentials. For further information, please see our Induction page.
Salary Schedules
For the most up-to-date salary information for administrative, certificated and classified employees please visit our Salary Information and Pay Schedule page.
Volunteer Information
The District encourages parents and others to chaperone/volunteer their time and service to our schools and our children. We appreciate our chaperones/volunteers and look forward to working with you. For more information on becoming a volunteer, please read our Chaperone/Volunteer Guidelines.
Personnel Team
For the most up-to-date employment information, including contact information, staff resources, and substitute staff resources, please visit our district's Personnel webpage.
Title IX and Non-Discrimination Policies
For more information on Title IX and Nondiscrimination Policies in Etiwanda, please visit our Non-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies page.